Monday, May 24, 2010


This study material is from the first book published by the Navigators in their seven book series on discipleship and basic Christian life Foundation Series. The subject headings to consider in the first book in the series of the seven books are -

- God Cares for You.

  • The Person of Jesus Christ
  • The work of Christ
  • The Spirit Within You

Billions of people go through life spiritually dead and undernourished and the words Jesus spoke and taught centuries ago are still true. Let us read the words of Jesus found in the gospel of Matthew 4:4. "Man shall not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God".

Living in the United States all these years, I am more convinced that only God can fully satisfy our deep spiritual needs. These writings are an encouragement to all to read and study the Bible and for those who have faith in Christ Jesus and even those who have known Him for many years. Christian spiritual discipline, is one of the least mentioned and least taught life-style that makes the true disciple of Jesus Christ, a distinct person from all those around. Cultivating this life changing truth myself continues to help me walk in the narrow pilgrim pathway I have chosen.

Therefore, what does this imply in action?

  • It establishes a program of personal study of the Scriptures.
  • Examine the great truths of the Bible and our response to them.
  • It aids in learning and practice of the essentials of discipleship.

So do prayerfully proceed with the "texts and substance" and like me, you are in for an adventure that will deepen your life with Christ, steering you clear of all the deceptions and delusions that are so rampant in Christianity. Let us then begin this pilgrim journey.

To begin, keep in mind that God cares for you.

He is concerned about what happens to you. Why is this so?

Because God created you

God is present and knows you

God loves you

God adopted you into His family

If you think about the first three statements, they are "immutable," which means they cannot be changed.

In the last statement, adoption becomes possible only by the Sovereign Act of God's will. It is His choosing that made this possible through the reconciling death of Jesus Christ and His substituting death on the cross. Jesus Christ and He alone fulfilled Divine Justice for sin and three passages to read in this context are – The fulfillment of Divine Justice(Acts 4:11-12).The triumph of faith-(Romans 5:1-5). The Life Giving Spirit - (Romans 8:1-11). Some background texts would be appropriate to keep in focus, God's grace and His mercy.

God created each of us in a body – (Genesis 1:26-27).

In the scope of Biblical revelation, we were created in this body, to be holy and our bodies to be the temple of God (1Corinthians 10).

Adam and the Woman were seduced by the devil, to aspire to be gods in the body, so the body is very important.

Therefore, temptation, sin seduction, rebellion are not just "spiritual matters" they are resident in the "body" containing the whole person that sins (1Corrinthians 6:13-20. Romans8:1-13, 12:1-2. 2Corinthians 7:1 and Galatians 5:24). Sin is carried out in the body and likewise spirituality is contained and carried out in the body by the "new birth" (Ephesians 2:1-10).

God created you and me

How awesome and joyous that all beginnings flow from God and His cosmic plan and specific design. He Himself is infinite and amazing in Power, Knowledge and Creativity. How refreshing to know that there is order in the creation and that you and I were not from a blog, bog or some conjured up "cell" and most certainly not from the Apes or monkeys.

1. The very first chapter of Genesis the Bible tells us that God created the universe out of nothingness. As you read (Genesis 1:1-5) you may notice three things which can be listed, but I have listed much more.

a. Creation was ex-nihilo meaning out of nothing. b. God is the prime and supreme being. c. God spoke, and it was so (Psalm 102:25-27) is a text that reminds us of Divine Sovereignty. d. The Spirit of God is like an eagle hovering over all in His presence. e. Light is commanded into being and this light was of such quality that it sustains life. Two passages that would be very helpful here are (Isaiah 24 and Jeremiah 4:22-26).

2. Through what forces did God create the world? (Hebrews 11:3).

The world, was prepared by the word of God and this word of God is not a power

In some abstract "of mother nature" or some force field as many may assume, it is a

Power inherent in the Moral Character of God and His word are revealed in the

Moral Order of creation and it is precise in its spoken word, with all the intended

results, therefore, out of chaos arose, order, beauty, form and distinctiveness.

Thus, Light and Life are the moral products of His creation. Man and Woman represent the highest completion in His creation to respond to the creator in that moral capacity.


3. Out of God's infinite wisdom and capacity, He designed and created you, why?

God created all things for His own glory, especially Man and Woman to have fellowship and communion with Him and worship Him. The basis of this is in righteousness, holiness and purity. As created moral beings, this fellowship, worship and communion were to be lived from the place and position of "rest." The prophet Isaiah reminds us of such a disposition (Isaiah 46:10).

The apostle Paul writes about the majesty of Divine Purpose in the revelation he received in describing the joyful purpose for our creation (Ephesians 1:3-4). Ponder upon this text and you may catch the apostle's awe, joy and vision of the new life he enjoyed.

4. The dignity, God gave human beings is shown by a person's uniqueness, authority, and purpose. List some of the ideas from (Genesis 1:26-28).

a. The uniqueness of human kind

Man and Woman, were created as moral human beings, with a uniqueness to respond to God's love and worship Him, have fellowship with Him and carry out the stewardship He gave to the first Man and Woman.

Observe, in (Gen.1: 20-23), God blessed all the animals, the birds and all the creatures in the waters, to live and function in their ordered beauty and freedom within those life forms and boundaries.

In (Gen. 1:24-31), God blessed the rest of the creation including the Man and Woman. The Man the Woman share a unique place and position in the creation in that they are provided stewardship, responsibility as caretakers, and the ability to worship and have fellowship with the Creator. Therefore, in these texts, unfold the place, position and uniqueness of human kind. In seeming simplicity lies the profound meaning to those who "hunger and thirst after righteousness."

b. The position or authority of human kind

This position is unique, where Man and Woman can enjoy the very "Life of God" and worship Him in joyful obedience and submission. They were like none other creature that enjoyed this privilege except the angels. It was a world of order, beauty, security for all, hence the blessings that God pronounced was in the greater framework in the "functioning order of things."

c. God's purpose for humankind

The book of Genesis was the first of the five books that consists of the Old Testament known as the Pentateuch or the Hebrew Torah. It was to be, the "charter of freedom," for Israel, who was redeemed from Egypt. In addition, this charter of freedom is also for all people whom God has called and has chosen.

God has communicated His will and purpose very simply and clearly and if you notice in the text, there is a great anthem of joy in the use of the word "teeming" implying the blessings that followed creation.

5. Do you like being part of God's humankind? Why, or why not?

My personal answer to this question is most certainly yes, since my conversion experience I am a human being for the first time. Until the "new birth," I was living with beast like qualities, seduced by culture religion and so called "civilized society". (It is very difficult for human beings in this modern time and point in history to recognize the Biblical estimation of their sinful, depraved nature). Well, just read the apostle Paul' summery of our "Pre-Grace condition" (Ephesians 2:1-4) note particularly (vs.4), where the text reads "But God being rich in mercy," shows mercy to us in this miserable state. The attempt to be "little gods" (vs.1-3) made our lives miserable attempting to live with the giant "ID" or Ego. Taking charge and unwilling to admit our terrible impoverishment, "Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, was shown to us.

The word of God set against all this, provides us with the true perspective that "All things were created for God's pleasure," and when we rebelled, we brought upon ourselves God's displeasure and wrath, damaging His creation in the process, brings further displeasure. Yes, now to be part of God's humankind, I would not exchange it for any thing in the world. Praise God!

6. How do you respond to God as your Creator?
(Revelations 4:11).

I can now respond to God's love since I have been restored into fellowship with Him and be fully human, through, the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross-and His substitutionary sacrifice. Jesus Christ, as the second Adam made this possible (as the sequence of this verse shows), God is worthy to receive – glory recall the (Our Father in Heaven) pattern of prayer the Lord taught His disciples, Jesus, in his humanity is placing the emphasis on God as Supreme.

Yet, in this awesome and beautiful description, there is an anthem of praise and worship that John is witness to. "Worthy are you, our Lord God to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created." It is the "peace with God" where all past, present and future is not only made new, but now, you and I can live life each day, as God the Father and Creator meant it to be lived.


7. In Psalm 139:1-8, David mentions several areas of his personal life that God has "searched and known." List at least four of them. Then place a check mark by the areas you think God knows about your life. (I have noted several of them).

God has searched him and searches you and me. God knew every movement in David's life and it is of great comfort to know this in your life and mine. God knows the thoughts and intentions of David's heart and similarly knows those thoughts and intentions in our hearts. (Which means that we can be free of pretence since we have nothing to hide).God had encircled David and He encircles us too. God had placed His hand upon David and does so in each of our lives. All this is for our own salvation and benefit so we can live life to please God, and fulfill His purpose each day. I also view two important characters of God- Omniscience (vs.1-6) and Omnipresence (vs.7-12).

In God's Omniscience, there are some parallel passages to consider-

Hearts are searched – Matthew 12:36.

Hearts are known - Romans 11:33.

My ways are also known – Matthew 12:36.

In God's Omnipresence, there are some parallel passages to consider-

Omnipresence – Jeremiah 23:24.

In all the scope of creation – Amos 9:2. Job 34:22.

God is still there – sin is made bare – Daniel 2:22.

"Grace means there is nothing I can do to make God love me more and nothing I can do to make God love me less. It means that I, even I who deserve the opposite, am invited to take my place at the table in God's family". ("What's So Amazing About Grace" In the book by Philip Yancey).

8. How did David respond as he realized that God knew him completely and that God is present everywhere?

1. David surrendered to God to search him – Human hearts searched – (1Chronicles 28:9. Psalm 44:21. Jeremiah 17:10 23:24. Amos 9:3. Zephaniah 1:12 and Romans 8:27.

The secrets of the heart known -

(Matthew 12:25, 22:18, Mark 2:8, Luke 11:17, John 2:25.

Surrendering to the Divine Omnipresence is very important, but with that act comes conviction by the Holy Spirit to Obey Him.

9. How do you feel about God's detailed interest in you as revealed by the Lord Jesus?

(Matthew 10:29-31).

Consider the implications involved, as these attributes must be a part of our Christian experience in the context of discipleship.

Discipleship eliminates the fear of people (vs.28).

Discipleship involves Divine Care – example in (1Kings 17:13), supplies in famine.

There is protection in Peril – (2Kings 6:16).

There is strength in weakness – (Isaiah 41:10).

There is companionship in trial – (Isaiah 43:1-3).

There is Gods overshadowing care – (Matthew 10:30-31, Matthew 28:5, Luke 12:32).

There is the continuum of Life Beyond the grave – (Revelation 1:17, 18).

10. What was Gods greatest demonstration of His love? (1 John 4:9, 10).

I would recommend that you read the entire passage rather than just the verse, since it is a good practice to establish. John is writing about God's love, but the backdrop is important. It is "Testing the spirits of the prophets" or those who proclaim or forth tell. Jesus Christ must be the absolute center in the life of the person who is proclaiming the message.



Shall not perish everlasting life


11. Study John 3:16 in relationship to the previous illustration.

a. What motivated God to sacrifice His Son for us?

I would not use the term "motivated" since God is Sovereign and needs no motivation. The Scripture makes no allowance in the scope of revelation for God to be motivated. All of creation was in the intended purpose of God for His Glory. Since the Man and Woman were created, for His glory, to love, worship and fellowship with Him and serve Him and others around, this "intimacy and communion" is possible only on the grounds that God is Holy and commands us to be Holy.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." Love is the very essence of God, so is Holiness and judgment on sin. Keep in mind the intensity of Love and oneness between the persons in the Trinity. This and many other texts relating to salvation have are used in a careless manner and as these studies unfold, a Godly fear and reverence must affect our lives.

b. How can a person respond to God's offer of eternal life?

Very simple, but many times very difficult too by coming in humility, submission to His person, nature and character in absolute surrender, believing, that from that moment the struggle and rebellion is over. To accept the "free gift of salvation" on God's terms, understanding fully well that "religion the practice of it and belief", cannot cleanse one's soul and transform our "rotten and meaningless lives."

"Jesus offers himself as God's doorway into the life that is truly life. Confidence in him leads us today, as in other times, to become his apprentices in eternal living. "Those who come through me will be safe," he said. "They will go in and out and find all they need. I have come into their world that they may have life, and life to the limit."

  • Dallas Willard – In his book "The Divine Conspiracy".

12. In (John 10:9-16), Jesus uses metaphorical language by comparing His love and concern to the love and concern of a shepherd. According to this passage, what are some of the ways Jesus cares for us?

If you read the entire chapter as I recommend, two major paragraph divisions can read in the use of the "IAM" statements used in John's gospel account. In (John 10: 22- 42), Jesus is teaching and revealing to his disciples the intensity of relationship in, "I and the Father Are One". John is presenting Jesus Christ as the "Great Shepherd of Israel", greater than the shepherd king David and the only "True Shepherd." Being non-Jews, the impact of his love, crosses all boundaries to encompass all of who have been called out from the world and its influence of religion, dead rituals, formalities, religious observances, as the apostle Paul describes "holding a form of godliness, but denying its power."

    The Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. Neither David nor any other monarch laid their lives down for their "sheep" their own people. The opposite was, like "thieves and robbers" they did exactly that, oppressed them and enslaved them, as did Solomon, to build the temple and other palace structures in Jerusalem.

     Laying down his life as the "True Shepherd" has more implications, Jesus, bore the Justice and Judicial implications for our sins, since we like sheep had gone astray. Out of animals, sheep have no idea where they are going and will be led either by false or true shepherds. Our lives in reference to sheep is true, since sin and rebellion has led us astray into a Purposeless life. Jesus cares for us as he also has called us into a relationship with him and this is for all eternity. Care involves more than security and comfort, in order to be lead by this True Shepherd, the power held over our lives by following "false shepherds" must be broken. We admit we have gone astray since we were running our lives.

    If you go back and read what Dallas Willard has written, it falls right into place

about the care this "Great Shepherd" has for each one of us.


















Monday, November 9, 2009

New Clothes

"Likewise, you who are younger and of lesser rank, be subject to the elders (the ministers and spiritual guides of the church) – [giving them due respect and yielding to their counsel]. Clothe (apron) yourselves, all of you, with humility [as the garb of a servant, so that it's covering cannot possibly be stripped from you, with freedom from pride and arrogance] towards one another. For God sets Himself against the proud (the insolent, the overbearing, and the boastful) - [and He opposes, frustrates, and defeats them], but gives grace (favor, blessing) to the humble [Pro.3:34]". Amplified Bible Version

The above text is from (1Peter5:5) but the entire chapter should be read and thought through.

What is true humility in the Christian experience?

Humility is the attribute that results in the utter abandonment of self, acknowledging one's absolute spiritual impoverishment. "I am freed from self to live life undisturbed and unthreatened by anyone, knowing fully well that I am secure in Christ". Jonathan Edwards the great American preacher and reformer said this – "Nothing sets a person so much out of the devil's reach as humility".

    At the heart of the temptation in the Garden of Eden, at the heart of human rebellion and its slithering instigator, is a foundation of pride. Many have said that pride is behind every sin. Pride ferments hate and hate does its terrible damage by "eating the individual's heart and soul". (Genesis chapter 4) bears testimony to this cancer.

    It is pride that tells us to ignore God's will and follow our own. It is pride that tells us to enthrone our pleasures and pursuits within our hearts. And it is pride that places us in heated competition with every other person on the planet-for status, for goods, and for glory. These, are the heinous flaws and deep seated characteristics of the fall. By the second year of our Lord's ministry, he was, in the eyes of the Jewish hierarchy, a miserable, disillusioned man, with a bastard sign hanging over him. Jesus Christ was the biggest looser! So, if you desire to follow him, he commands you to loose everything, strip all your life of pretence and then perhaps consider following him.

    God is emphatic throughout Scripture: He "opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble". Proud kings and priests in the Bible found themselves humiliated by God Himself. Humble supplicants were lifted up into His presence. And so the principle continues today. God becomes the archenemy of any who diminish Him by magnifying themselves.

Therefore, that is why the apostle Peter who himself was a "proud and fearless man" later on in life as an apostle tells us in this first epistle to "put on new clothes". We are to strip ourselves of that fantasy that we are self-made souls and adorn ourselves with God's grace. We are to cast our old clothes (not keep them in the closet for emergency use) like they were last decade's fashions and stock up on the plain elegance of reality. Our new wardrobe is far more beautiful in its simplicity than was our old wardrobe in its attention grabbing styles. Gaudiness does not fit in the kingdom of God, and it does not unite us with others. Humility blends in perfectly. It keeps us in health too.

The application of this in "deeds"

Here is the acid test, where your attitude towards others will largely determine, in a practical way, how united you are with the body of Christ. Are you often at the center of discord? Is it because of a lack of humility? Dress yourself with new clothes.

    Humility takes the first step, even when it is confronted with the pride of others. When it does, it disarms the proud like nothing else. Prideful people feed off each other and stir up more pride. A step of humility undermines the whole process. It defuses the root of our sin and opens the way for the glory of God. It gives us an entirely new look.

Light at the door

"But you are a chosen people… belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light" (1Peter 2:9-10).

Ah! When God first breathes life into the body, it is as if the soul were a blank canvas on which nothing has been painted. From the time we are children, our souls know nothing except what we perceive by looking out through the "windows" of our senses. So we grow to adult hood believing that what we see and know through our senses is all that there is to know.

    But in fact as long as our soul is housed within this body, it is like a prisoner fumbling about inside the walls of a pitch-dark jail cell, so far as spiritual understanding is concerned. Pray then –My Father, you call me out to freedom. And I long to live confident and at liberty in you-not bound by all the things that hold me. Now I hear you coming for me, turning the key and I hear your voice calling to my soul, saying "Rise, and begin to walk with me to a new place". Today, I commit myself to a journey that will lead me deeper in to your love…He will do just that and you will be "clothed anew" the old will be gone. Blessings



Tuesday, October 27, 2009

                    WALK IN THE SPIRIT

"But I say walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit]; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God)." [The text is taken
from the Amplified Version of the Bible


This is a vital part of the true conversion experience in the life of the believer. It is a sadly absent one too. In the lack of examples to follow, there are very few lives of a true "witness" that we may emulate. Within the present Christian community, the popular "numbers game" being played out in many church circles that seem to be in competition with each other, the hope of developing and building Christian Character is almost non-existent.

    Let us begin with a question, a question that would help us put matters in perspective. In a genuine, born-again, conversion experience, there must be discipleship, an increasing love for God's word and fellowship with other like–minded believers. Preferably, in a small community, as these are the ingredients needed and important for building sound lives, lives of commitment, discipline and discipleship.

    In the greater unfolding dimension of "the kingdom of God" on the earth, being an integral part of the New Covenant established by our Lord at the Lord's Supper, all four Gospel writers through the working of the Holy Spirit upon their lives clearly perceived the importance the Centrality of Jesus Christ. In order to affect the leading and guiding of the Sovereign Spirit, Jesus Christ has to be Lord and the center of all things.

    Paul wrote to the Galatian Christians to encourage them to make a proper response to The Holy Spirit that they might not live on the level of their lower nature. Realistically, this struggle would continue between the Spirit of God, upon us at the time of conversion and the lower nature with its sinful appetites (Gal. 5:17-21). So as a believer, don't get your hope too high that all is going to be OK. We have been redeemed from the power of sin, but we have not been freed from the presence of sin.

We live in a fallen, sinful world, surrounded by all those outside God's salvation, who are diametrically opposed to all Godliness. We too lived under those circumstances not too long ago. Now we have been freed, don't expect "a pat on the back" for your change from the folks around you. In fact, it may be the just the opposite. Paul desired that the believers in Galatia and all the churches in Asia, would bear the fruit of the "full harvest of the Spirit" What does all this mean to us in all practicality? Let us consider three areas that would help form a basis for living. Walk also implies an ongoing relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ by the study and meditation upon His word. The Holy Spirit does not work outside God's revealed word. Therefore, a disciple must be a disciplined follower of the Lord.

To be led is to be related to Him, to be related to Him will result in being led. Makes a lot of sense too since the word and Spirit makes no mistakes in the daily application of Truth.

To walk implies progress.

It is not the will of God that we remain as we are or where we are. This was never the intention of the Divine purpose of God in creation. God would have us to walk forward towards maturity and fruitfulness (Gen. 1:24-31). Being discipled and discipling others, so that bearing fruit is an integral part also of what our Lord taught and lived amongst his own disciples-in-training. It is a long obedience in the same direction. The objective is not to get to heaven, but be witnesses to His grace, mercy and fullness in a sick and dying world.

To walk implies direction.

God would not have us go backwards from our tasks and opportunities. Neither would He have us to walk in aimless circles or even as some Christians say, when asked "how they are keeping" the disgusting reply would be –Oh, I am just hanging in there, a true believer just hanging in there? If this is the present condition in your thinking you need to repent, since you have undermined the Divine Purpose in salvation. We were not saved just to "hang in there".

     Therefore, by His Spirit He would lead us in the paths of righteousness and fullness as He lead Paul by the Spirit and guided the apostle, He will also guide each one of us in our walk in a similar manner, if we are sensitive and responsive to His leadership. This walk is for the whole person, each moment, every day. It is a walk in the midst of all the circumstances of life and all its challenges. "You are in the world, but not of the world." Jesus did not command us to escape the world into some form of ascetic life, cloistered away from all reality.

To walk implies – Walking in the Spirit.

There are at least five ways in which we know the Spirit wants us to walk. We can count on Him to assist us in every way possible. He is the Gracious Holy Spirit.

  1. The Holy Spirit will help us to walk worthy of our Christian calling (Eph.4:1).
  2. The Holy Spirit will help us to walk differently from the unsaved (Eph.4:17).
  3. The Holy Spirit will help us to walk in love (Eph. 5:2).
  4. The Holy Spirit will help us to walk as the children of light (Eph. 5:8).
  5. The Holy Spirit will help us to walk in wisdom (Eph.5:15).


The Holy Spirit dwells in the heart of the believer. He is as close to you and me as the breath we take. Let us then by faith (obedience) recognize His presence. Let us respond to His leadership with joy, and walk forward into the future with courage and cheer, for God has wonderful things in store for each of us if we seek to "walk in the Spirit".

Sunday, October 11, 2009




"He who refuses and ignores instruction and correction despises himself, but he who heeds reproof gets understanding." (Prov. 15:32) Amplified Bible

Other passages to consider are – (2Chron. 36:15-16).

"The Voice of God is a friendly voice. No one need fear to listen to it unless he has already made up his mind to resist it." A.W. Tozer

Many of the laws of God are what are known as self-executing laws. This means that they carry with them the seed of their own punishment and it is impossible for a person to sin, be in rebellion and escape suffering.


God's Love is – Confrontive.

         God's Love is – Convicting.

         God's Love is – Convincing.

         God's Love – leads to repentance.

God's Love – then restores the "whole" person to worship Him and Him alone.

What does all this really mean? The implications are very serious as well as restorative, given the nature of one's response to His Love.

The Bulk of the Bible between Genesis 3 and Revelation 19 is largely corrective. In many different ways, it addresses an utterly fallen human condition, through remedy and through judgment. It points out – repeatedly – that we are in need of a change.

    That's not a very popular position in this world. We don't like being confronted with our sin, especially in America, rooted deeply in individualism and an "I can do it by my self attitude." Many have emphatically rejected Christianity because there are commands and judgments in its Scriptures. We often ignore the God who loves His creation enough to divert us from our own destructive ways. In our own eyes, we often do not see that our own ways are destructive, since even though professing to be "born again" we still are in control of our own lives. What then takes place?



God, in His great mercy will seek through the Holy Spirit to confront us when we are out of line and He has many manifold ways of doing it. Most often through His word, as in the OT given through His prophets, and God still speaks today through His godly servant leaders, in the local church community setting. Christian men and women who have "spiritual mileage" in their lives and Church history down the ages are replete with such witnesses. Whether we like it or not, His voice often calls us to be "dramatically different."

    The voice of a true prophet is always a voice crying in the wilderness. Often times, it is a lonely voice of redirection, showing all of us as wanderers how to get to the "city of God". It is often not welcome. If it were, it would not have been necessary to begin with. As stated earlier, this world does not like correction, and it is often not interested in getting to God's city. We simply can't afford to absorb the independent ways of this world system, if we claim to have faith, believe in Jesus (the devils do by the way and they tremble, we don't), claim to be "born again" etc; the consequences of judgment are very serious. God will not permit the death of His Only Begotten Son on the Cross to be thrashed.

    When the prophets speak – whether they are the prophets of Scripture or the prophets of our age – we must listen. The loving Father will always correct His children, and we must be open to His correction. Not to have ears to hear Him is suicide. It is like walking off a cliff because we have ignored the true path we were pointed to. It just doesn't make sense.

    One of the many convicting signs of sin in terms of erring or disobedience is that we stress out since our ego is affected by the Word of God that ignites conviction. Absolute, daily surrender is absent, if we still have our ego in place. The true believer is dead, has absolutely no rights and is a "slave to Christ". Can you really hear the convicting voice if you are still attempting to run your life dear one? Repent, and heed the loving voice of your Father, His voice always leads to Life (the Zoe life of God), in that voice of discipline, it will be the marks of Love and it will always point you Home. Come Back Home!! Spiritual homelessness can lead to eternal death and the agony of Hell. Mind you, you will experience hell long before you get there. Today is the Day of Salvation, tomorrow, is never ours.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Grief and Worship

The text for meditation and consideration is from the OT book of Job which is part of the wisdom literature used during the time of King Solomon. In (Job 1:20) the text reads – "Then Job stood up, tore his robe and shaved his head. He fell to the ground and worshiped, saying "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will leave this life. The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Praise the name of the Lord".

    With all the "suddenness" of
people dying including close friends in the peak of their careers, Michael Jackson included, especially during these past few weeks, words like "it came as such a shock, oh at the peak of life, such a tragedy" etc;
and many, especially in
Western culture attempt to be taken aback that death could happen. But wait, in reality death begins the moment one is born and the "pithy saying" that two things cannot be avoided are death and taxes, seems valid. Many are lulled into the false idea in which they strive to live, or aspire to live life that somehow does not consider the most important matter – Eternity! In fact Jesus Christ had a lot to say about the very thing people attempt to avoid, death.

    Hundreds of people die each day including children in the seeming endless violence of religious and power struggles world wide. We turned the year 2000 with the devastating destruction of 9/11, which shattered all hopes and dreams that this will be "new millennium". But, somehow we have become mentally numbed to such tragedies. They affect some others somewhere, but when death strikes closer to us, in the lives of people we least expect, or in the social circles which many of seek to identify with, using such language as "Oh, they are doing well, up in the ladder of success, homes are located in the higher echelons of the social structure neighborhoods" suddenly, there is a shock that death came?
An emptiness and void descends what now?

Many people desire such things and even pursue these dreams. Shamelessly many Christians fall into the same idolatrous mind set of "success oriented living". Jesus, is some kind of security to have along in case of an emergency, when tragedy does strike, attempts are made to things like prayer to comfort the bereaved. Well, as a radical (at least I am labeled that) Christian and a voice against the idolatry especially amongst many deluded Christians at a time too where Biblical Illiteracy is in "epidemic proportions" and a complacency, there is a reminder that Death and Hell are very much alive and well. Only in the scope of Biblical truth and revelation, lies the true answer that must first breaks the hard and stony heart, in order that "God may, in His mercy provide a heart of flesh." So the book of Job has much to say to us.


Brief Introduction to the Book of Job

The book of Job is very infrequently read and used by many Christians today.

It is often said that Job is the oldest book in the Bible. There is support for such a view found in the statement in the Talmud, which is a collection of rabbinical writings on Jewish law and practice. It says "Moses wrote his own book and Job". (Baba Bathra 14b). Additional support for the ancient origin of this
book comes from the absence of any mention of the nation of Israel in Job, as well as lack of specific references to the Law of Moses or any priestly system. There is also mention of the "clan" in the narrative, a situation that was typical of patriarchal society. The names of the characters in the book are also compatible with those of the patriarchal period.

The Problem of Suffering

The book of Job never fully addresses the solution to the problem of suffering, yet there is nothing in the book that is out of harmony with the general scriptural teaching on the subject. In the story of Job there is a reminder that suffering can be a sacred trust, allowed by God to bring the sufferer to full dependence on and trust in God. Job's name means ("where is the father") and may reflect the deeper purpose of the book.

Rather than asking "Where is God when I need Him"? The more basic question would be "Is God sufficient for everything in life"? The answer is a resounding yes. God, not man, is alone the true source for strength, guidance and success. Sufferers should realize that God's power is available for all of life even to carry them through their severest trials. When we see that God is truly the God of all life, we have a comforting assurance that, whatever may happen, God's good purposes for our lives will be accomplished. However, all this is only applicable to one "saved by grace" and a genuine disciple of Jesus.

All of life is for God's glory and for human good. So it is that when Job came to a realization of God's sufficiency rather than his own, God's greatest blessing followed.

There are several key factors that must be kept in mind with regards to grief and worship. If you read the text carefully, at least the first part of the first chapter you will observe that Job was already a godly man who worshipped God in his life. The verse in (Job 1:20) confirms this truth. Worship to Job had become a "way of life". Keep this in mind as we proceed and there will be less confusion.

The question we must ask then is what is our response when our trials are most severe?

If you're like most, worship is not our first reaction. In fact, we often criticize God, question His goodness, and ask pointed questions about why this had to happen to us – the whole ritual of self-pity – long before we come to the place of true worship.

    Worship was Job's first reaction. In the context of all that happened – His livelihood (i.e. his oxen and donkeys) had been stolen. His transportation (i.e. his camels) had been stolen. And his children (i.e. his legacy) had been killed. All of this in one day!! And Job's first reaction, after his initial shock and grief, was not anger, not questions and not apostasy. It was worship! Wow!

    Job violated every psychologist's formula for the stages of grief. How could Job do such a thing? Did he know he was under a divine microscope? No, the questions Job and his friends wrestle with in the ensuing chapters indicate that he had no idea what was going on. Did Job assume that his sins had finally caught up with him? No, he maintained his righteousness throughout the book. So how could he worship?

Job knew deep down in his heart, two essential facts that most of us question from time to time: 1. God is sovereign, and 2. God is good. Those were givens and Job could worship because whatever was happening, it was under the sovereign hand of a really good God. He didn't know why bad things were happening, but he knew who watched over him. And despite circumstances, he knew that the One who watched over Him was worthy.

In deed and reality

All that Job did, goes against our human nature, doesn't it? When our lives fall apart, we're inclined to accuse God of not living up to His end of the bargain. Job remembered that he was not in a bargaining position – never had been. All he had received from God was from His mercy. He knew that the fact that it was now gone and had nothing to do with God's character. When our trials weigh heavily upon us – even when crisis strikes – we must remember the unchanging merciful nature of God. The creature does not "bargain" with the Creator.

However, dear reader, are you in a relationship with God and Him alone that makes daily worship, a life style? If you do not know your purpose for life you need to stop. This is the most serious question and will determine where you will spend eternity. All you will be asked by the Lord is where is the fruit? In terms of other lives transformed by your life not your achievements or any other status. The meditation was taken and expanded from the book "Walk with God" given to me for Christmas 2008, by my dear wife Esther. I will follow up with "Our Deepest Love "next. As His servant – Max.

"His love in times past forbids me to think, He'll leave me at last in trouble to sink". -
John Newton
(Born-again slave master and slave trader).

Friday, May 8, 2009

Apostles' Creed For The New Millenium

We believe in God the Father Almighty,
Maker and Owner of Heaven and Earth.

We believe that we do not and cannot give God anything,
but merely manage what belongs to God,
including the body and life God is lending us.

We believe in Jesus the Messiah, God’s only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,
lived the life of a humble Servant without limit,
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.

The third day the Father raised His Son from the dead,
and declared Him Lord over the universe, time, death and eternity.

Jesus has not withdrawn His presence, but has transformed it;
and the Holy Spirit, through Word and Sacrament,
makes known Jesus’ invisible presence, His message and His mission.

While we wait for Jesus to reappear on the Last Day
when He will raise the dead and judge everyone,
we live to make Him known as Savior and Lord,
and to serve Him by serving those around us.

When He finally reappears, He will greet us in forgiving grace,
thank us for having served Him in His distressing disguises,
and then welcome us into His Eternal Home
where He will care for us forever.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church,
the fellowship of forgiven saints
striving to live in unity in Christ-like servant community.

We also believe in the existence of the unholy satanic spirit
and the unholy demonic realm that strive to seduce us
from serving God and others into serving ourselves.
We believe in the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.
